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January 25, 2008

mVisualVoiceMail v.6 -- Stop listening to voice mails

Motion Apps has just released mVisualVoiceMail v.6 a new, improved version for all Windows Mobile devices as well as the Palm OS. This nifty utility grabs incoming voicemails from whatever source and places them in your email inbox. What a great convenience because now you can quickly review all your voicemails and decide on which ones to act on without having to go through the tedious, time-consuming process of listening to all of them, and you have a visual record.

The list displays the caller’s name and number along with the time and date. Of course, in order for the caller’s name to be displayed, it must be in your contact list. If not, it will appear as Unknown. You can conveniently listen to a message by selecting it and tapping the listen button. To initiate a callback of a highlighted item, simply use the Call Back tab.

In order for the system to function properly, you must select the email account in which you would like your voice mail messages to appear. Then you must adjust your email settings to accept complete messages, which could tend to clog up your memory. But you can always set the system to store these data on a memory card.

If you are already a registered user for previous versions, an update will cost you $12.99, otherwise the cost is $24.95. It’s available for purchase and a trial download at http://www.motionapps.com/mvisualvoicemail/index.jsp.

If you value your time, you will want to grab this application and put it to work. I deem it a must have.

Posted by conradb212 at January 25, 2008 04:06 PM
