This section contains a listing of all developer-related reviews from past
issues of the print version of Pen Computing Magazine. For a complete listing
of all pen development tools check out the latest
issue of Pen Computing Magazine.
Pen for OS/2 Update
Interview: PelicanWare's Don Vollum
An Introduction to the GEOS Operating
Newton-Desktop IR: The GizmoBeam/ActiSys
WinPen 2.0: A Promising Secret
Pen Computing and Windows 95
Programming Visual Basic for Pen Input
Mobile Strategies: Mobile Software
A Feasibility Study: Construction
Inspection for the Wisconsin DOT
Intelligent Forms
First Look: Newton OS 2.0
csInStep for Newton
Instant Text and the One Finger
HOPE! development environment
OmniForm for Newton
PenRight! for Windows
Contents ©1995-1997 Pen Computing Magazine. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction in any form is prohibited. Contact the Pen Computing Publishing Office for reprint information. |