Magic Cap Easter Eggs and Walkthru

WARNING: This page contains "spoilers" -- complete walkthrus for the Easter Eggs contained in Magic Cap. Read at your own risk, and do not blame me if you didn't want to see them!
The Parade: (Magic Cap v1.0 only)

What it does: create a parade in the downtown with all of the Magic Cap creatures carrying a special message for you!

How you make it happen:

Sony Stuff Package: (Magic Link PIC-1000 only)

What it does: display the hidden "credits" for Sony New Technologies and create a new tool in the tool cup!

How you make it happen:

They Might Be Giants:

What it does: create a speed dial button for the "They Might Be Giants" musical group! (Word around here is that it was Scott Knaster's favorite group!

How you make it happen:

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