Pen Computing Daily News Archives, May 16, 2001

Handspring announced a new version of their Blazer browser, which is free to VisorPhone users, and will be available to other Palm OS device users for US$19.95 from PalmGear and Handango. Handspring also announced a new CD that will be bundled with VisorPhone that includes Handspring's new Blazer web browser, Yahoo! Messenger, JP Mobile One-Touch Mail, and Electric Pocket's BugMe! Messenger. -sab

Nextel Communications has announced plans to re-sell Socket Communication's new Digital Phone card that supports Windows PocketPC devices.

DataViz has announced a new "10% educational pricing discount" for their Palm OS applications: Documents To Go Professional Edition and Desktop To Go. These prices are good for schools, colleges, universities, and individual educators and students.

The Sweden/EU e-Mobility Conference 2001 will be held in Gšteborg, Sweden on 31May-01Jun01 at the Congress Hall of Exhibition & Congress Centre. The keynote presentation will be by Volvo AB Chief Executive Officer Leif Johansson.

PocketExpress has announced two new Palm OS savvy applications available on Handspring Springboard modules: Pocket Recipes (2500 food and drink recipes & handy reference materials; US$40), and Pocket Chess (3000+ classic game library & more customization options; US$40).

Opera has announced that IBM will be using Opera 5.0 web browser software on IBM's new NetVista Internet Appliance that runs on the QNX operating system.

-Steve Holden (