ARM and Ericsson have agreed to collaborate on facilitating each others' future Bluetooth technology compliant products.
BSQUARE Corporation has announced that their suite of Windows CE based software packages are being "ported" to Microsoft Windows NT Embedded operating system, and will be available for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) licensing. BSQUARE has also announced several updates to their Windows CE developer tool offerings: "CEValidator v1.2" and "CE Xpress Kits v2.12."
EPSON Electronics America is reporting that they have released the first Windows CE savvy "system-on-chip" solution called the "E0C37109W."
SanDisk Corporation has announced "Personal Information Carrier (PIC)" -- a "solid-state, wearable data storage device" -- that will initially be used by Kaneb Services & Informatech for a contract with the U.S. Army in a mobile medical project.
CONFERENCES -- #1.) "EDGE & GPRS: Mobile IP, Fast Data, & Converging GSM/TDMA Networks" will be held 06-08Dec99 in Orlando, Florida; and #2.) "Mobile.Net: The Next Generation of Wireless" will be held: 28Oct99 in Santa Clara, California; 08Nov99 in New York City, New York; and 11Nov99 in Dallas, Texas.
-Steve Holden ( eFax: 978-246-3067