The online and traditional news organizations continue to highlight and showcase the latest Palm OS devices called "Visor" recently announced by Handspring. The recent news that 3Com has plans to spin-off Palm Computing into a separate company with plans for a late 1999 IPO also continues to get a great deal of coverage. [SOURCE: Reuters, ZDNET, The South China Morning Post, USA Today, PC World, Wired]
Other software organizations to announce support for the Handspring Visor include: Karrier Communications' Intelligolf;;; and Aportis Technologies.
PC Week is reporting that Microsoft will port MSN Messenger service to Windows CE and Web TV devices using their "MSN Mobile Services" technology.
PalmMate has released "JesusTracks" for Palm OS that takes you to the spiritual sites of the Mount of Olives, and provides a window to the Holy Land and Christianity to the next millennium.
-Steve Holden ( eFax: 978-246-3067