Pen Computing Daily News Archives, Sept 13, 1999

Handspring launches first Palm OS product

In the second day of big Palm OS-related news, Handspring today announced their new Palm-compatible Visor. The new device is billed as "The infinitely expandable handheld computer with the soul of an organizer." Starting in price at US$149.99, the new Visor handheld computers are less expensive than any Palm offerings, yet have a feature no other Palm OS computer has: a Springboard slot. The new slot functions much like a Nintendo Game Boy cartridge, plugging into the back of the unit, but it accomodates larger and taller modules for eventual use with products like cell phones. The Visors go on sale today on Handspring's web site, but will not ship until October. To see a comprehensive review, go to our Palm Section.

-Shawn Barnett (