Pen Computing Daily News Archives, July 23, 1999

Kevin Millican notes that Psion, Palm OS, and Windows CE users may be interested in a Windows 95/98/NT utility that he wrote called "PassThru32 v1.06." The key feature of PassThru is its ability to let a handheld device "borrow" the use of a desktop computer's modem (built-in or external) and attached printer. You can learn more via this URL:

ZDNet's PalmPilot Express (a weekly newsletter) has been posted to ZDNet's The "Editor's Picks" includes a pointer article to a "Play more than just cards," and a more indepth article that examines "Bank on it - money management tools." This issue also contains references to the following "Hot Files" -- Checkbook (Haupert), tipU, PalmASL, NoMess, and ZipCode+ v 1.26.

Franklin Covey is now shipping "Franklin Planner for Microsoft Outlook" (97/98/2000) that includes "Franklin Covey's revolutionary time and life management" theories and practices. This add-on will also work with Windows CE devices synched to Outlook on desktop PCs.

Intermec Technologies' Palm OS based "Norand 600 series" of industrial mobile handheld devices appears to be getting good press within the "trucking and logistics support" marketplace magazines.

Asia Computer Weekly recently published two "significant" handheld marketplace articles -- the first looked at the state of current technology and options for integrating handheld devices and software into businesses; and the second article examined the current sales and growth figures for Asian markets.

Pretec Electronics has announced their next-generation 56-Kbps CompactModem for Windows CE handhelds.

Jimmy Hong Ning has announced the release of a Newton OS "planetarium program" for Apple MessagePad 2x00 devices