Pen Computing Daily News Archives, July 14, 1999

Adam Engst examines "The MacHack Hack Contest 1999" in the 12Jul99 edition of TidBITS#488 and notes that there were several Palm OS hacks shown at the recently held MacHack conference. One hack let a Palm OS device remote control a PowerBook CDROM drive via IRDA, and allowed a serial connection to a PowerBook to show a DVD movie playing from the Powerbook on the Palm OS device's screen. The "best Palm hack" though was a "Finder" interface for the Palm OS. You can get a CDROM (US$20) that contains all the hacks from the conference via:

DDH Software has reportedly released v2.0 of HandBase (US$20) -- their mobile relational database system that supports interfaces to desktop platforms like Windows, but also Linux & Mac OS. [SOURCE: The PMN News Service, 13Jul99,]

The South China Morning Post recently reviewed the new Philips Nino 500 -- PROS: nice design, bright color screen, and lots of applications; CONS: bluky feel in hand, and handwriting recognition still needs work.

Sierra Imaging has announced plans to have their Windows CE savvy "Image Expert" software bundled with Epson's new PhotoPC 800 as part of Epson's Flexible Software Package option. [SOURCE: Business Wire via Yahoo]

Dan Gillmor recently had a detailed article examining the recent "Psion - EPOC - Symbian" news from London, UK in his San Jose Mercury News (SJMN) column entitled "Partnership ready to bring in a new digital EPOC."

Small Dog is now offering an "eMate 300 w/Connection CD and Mac Cable" for US$375.