Pen Computing Daily News Archives, December 8, 1999

BellSouth Interactive Paging service has become the "primary" mobile communication method used by Illinois Power's Forestry Group. The system is being used extensively by supervisors to increase responsiveness to customer requests, and to streamline internal communications. Supervisors can use "BellSouth Intelligent Wireless Network" with either a "RIM Inter@ctive Pager 950," or with their laptop for document upload/download, or database access.

Looking to use external Palm III form factor devices with Palm V/Vx devices? Then check out The Bridge.

GPS NEWS! -- #1.) SnapTrack and SignalSoft are working on "location based services trials" in Spain; #2.) Symmetricom has announced a new "GPS Network Timing System"; #3.) PinPoint has a new software developer kit called "DevelopIt! Program" for building real-time GPS systems; and #4.) Motorola is set to "unveil" a new GPS savvy line of antennas that increase performance & accuracy, but decrease power consumption needs.

You can download a shareware timecode calculator for TV and film industry usage for Psion 3c and Siena devices called "CodeCalc v2.01" via:

Cyclos has announced v2.10 of Hi-Note for Palm OS (outline, notepad, & drawing program) with the following new features: beaming of notes; duplication of notes; sort notes; selectable & additional fonts in outline & edit views; and a text entry tool. The program is sold US$20 shareware, and the new version is a free upgrade to current users of Hi-Note.

Way-Chung Wong at Byte-Size Software has created a new 14-point "archi-techie" font for Newton OS devices.

-Steve Holden ( eFax: 978-246-3067