3Com's Palm Computing division has reportedly been split into two sub-groups--one devoted to hardware and the other focused on software. Industry analysts feel that this move will make it "easier" for 3Com to "widely" license their Palm OS to other manufacturers beyond the current licensees: Symbol, Qualcomm, HandSpring, Sun, IBM, Franklin Covey, and Motorola. [SOURCES: PC Week (05Apr99, page 52) and PC World Online]
Microsoft has awarded Spyglass with a US$20 million software contract that will last for three years to build, integrate, and maintain a host of new consumer based Windows CE software applications. Spyglass will reportedly focus primarily on new Web-based utilities, the incorporation of Extensible Markup Language (XML) support into Windows CE for consumers, and future "digital cable platforms." [SOURCE: InfoWorld, 12Apr99]
Mark/Space has posted another Beta of their Online v1.1 for Palm OS--a VT100 emulator. This version supports more baud rates, has more serial port setting options, and includes more macros.
Citrix Systems will be teaming with the Cleveland Clinic Foundation to show off Citrix MetaFrame technology running on Windows CE savvy Sharp Mobilon devices at the upcoming Mobile and PDA Expo being held 21-23Apr99 at the Sheraton Hotel and Towers in Chicago, Illinois.
Sun Sabre Software has announced ScorePad 4.0 for the Newton--an upgrade to their flagship golf companion solution that adds another round of requested features from the ScorePad user community. Some top new features: you can now keep course notes on a hole by hole basis, and you can now keep notes apart from any round or course. Pricing is US$29.95 for ScorePad and their Mac/PC ScorePad Companion package is offered for US$15 shareware. Upgrades are free for v3.0 and higher users, for others the upgrade is only US$10.
-Steve Holden (sholden@pencomputing.com)