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Newton Software Developers
threes@centuryinter.net peoples.net/~threes/medscribe MedScribe ABC DataSystems bcole@jps.net Circles, Paths; NewtSokobon; Sets; Traffic Jam ABT Technologies markj@inwave.com inwave.com/abt/abt.html 800-697-9096 ACCSYS 610-436-4570 Amigo Adam T. Lindsay info@meta-labs.com www.meta-labs.com/newton/default.html Currency Updater AgCal Systems leere@ntrnet.net www.mindspring.com/~leere/ Ghalbs; Study Director Companion Alessandro Soldo soldo@poboxes.com www.poboxes.com/soldo Alarm Manager; Meeting Manager; Week Overview Alfred Tom alfredtom.91@alum.mit.edu 415-917-1744 Alta Vista Group toms@avg.com 312-975-9601 AMUG CD, Inc. sales@amug.org cdrom.amug.org/ 602-497-2244 Totally Incomplete PDA CD-ROM for Newton vol 11 Anacapa Sciences, Inc. jstuster@anacapasciences.com www.anacapasciences.com 805-966-6157x21 Mobile Officer's Assistant (MOA) André Meyer ameyer@ifi.unizh.ch www.ifi.unizh.ch/staff/ameyer.html Data Rescue Andres Martinez martinez@netside.net www.netside.net/~martinez/ EasyConnect Apple Computer www.info.apple.com/newton Newton Press; Apple Network Administrator Toolkit v2.0, NBU, NCU, NTK Aristar Inc. info@aristar.com www.aristar.com Aristar Orthopaedics Arnold Kim arn@visi.net users.visi.net/~arn/ Dancing Baby movie; Writer's Keyboard Artifact beyer@ksta.ktzh.ch 2 Enter 3 Ascribe 1-800-732-8608 Newt Tools Atomic Software atomic.software@pobox.com pobox.com/~atomic.software AlarmPak; BackPak; NotePak; NotePak Pro; SoundPak; TrashPak Avail Technology, Inc. Avail2@aol.com Avail Works Avanti Software cim93hf4@titan.msek.lth.se www.lectra.se/avanti QuickPress; ShufflerF; WordsWorth Avi Drissman drissman@acm.org detroit.freenet.org/~drissman/ Avi's Backdrop; Hebrew Date Convert; SpellBox Balcones balcones@azulita.cactus.org www.balconessoftware.com Leverage 3.0 BBSP david_ringsmuth@bbros.com 800-853-3024 x106 Bernie Bernstone bbernstone@geocities.com www.geocities.com/~bbernstone/home Bernie's BookReader; Menorah98; NewtoRhythm Bill Kearney wkearney@access.digex.net nConverter Black Labs, Inc. sales@blacklabs.com www.blacklabs.com/ CIS Retriever; FirstClass Retriever+ Bob Patin Borealis Communication karsten@winternet.com www.borealis-communication.com/ Borealis Home Inspector 'Bozo' Newt95 Brent Deverman deverman@pilot.msu.edu deverman.user.msu.edu/ Newton Chinese Dictionary Bulletproof Software aew@unh.edu pease1.sr.unh.edu/aew/newton/ Back-It!; Bulletproof Utilities; Darts Scorepad; Puzzle; Treachary Tracker Burr Oak Software info@burroak.on.ca www.burroak.on.ca/ 3-up; Meetings In Hand 1.0; PMS 2.0; TotM 1.4.8 Camas, Inc. dambrosi@pearson.camas.org www.camas.org/DecisionLab.html DecisionLab Cassidy & Green casadygree@aol.com www.casadyg.com 800-359-4920/408-484-9228 Reflex Catamount Software products@catamount.com www.catamount.com 802-372-9512/802-863-5256 Aloha 2.4.5; CigarBox; Email Services 1.2; Expansion; Home Inventory; Igor; Morgan; MPG; NameDropper 5.01; Namigator; NewtNotes; NoteHopper 2.0; NoteScroller 4.02; Plain Jane 2.01; PocketMoney; Post Office; Silk 2.0.1; Sunrise 2.0; Time Lock 3.0 English and German; Vermont State Consitution; WineCellar; Writers Calc 1.02 Century Software sales@centsoft.com www.centsoft.com +49-0-30-61309555 Clockwork Cesar Maiorino cesar@tiac.net CHeSSy sales@webleap.com www.webleap.com/ FormIt Chris Capon cccapon@interlog.com www.interlog.com/~cccapon DateBump; XPkg (DOS) Chris Mason cmason@ros.res.cmu.edu ros.res.cmu.edu/newton/ Talking Alarms Christoph Fabianek fabianek@atp5000.tuwien.ac.at cdrom.amug.org/~kooper/NewtonRecent.html Intelicalc Christopher Dopp newthack@pobox.com www.pobox.com/~newthack Newthack v1.1 Cigraph S.r.l. home@cigraph.com www.cigraph.com/ Pocket HouseMap Clinton Logan NZ0009@applelink.apple.com ftp://ftp.amug.org/ Convert! Cloud Dragon Design cddesign@pacbell.net www.cddesign.com/ I Ching CommonTime info@commontime.com www.commontime.com/ Cadenza Compass Information Systems info@compassinfo.com www.compassinfo.com Tibet Compower AG rschaeren@newton.ch www.newton.ch/compower/ Backlight Control Button; SMS Nokia Concept Kitchen info@conceptkitchen.com www.conceptkitchen.com 414-252-3333 Small Talk Basic; Small Talk Deluxe; StickyNewts 2.0 Config eG reitzner@cs.fau.de www.config.de/TimeTrax/ TimeTrax Core Dump Software coredump@omnilinx.net www.omnilinx.net/~coredump NoteThing Cornet Ltd corinfo@cornetltd.com www.cornetltd.com Catapult; CorNet Voyager Corporate Service GmbH 106065.444@compuserve.com +49-2381-940434 CPS449, Spring 1995 isl.cps.msu.edu/classwork/cps449/spring95/ Diagnostic Shell for the Newton; Entomology Field Studies; Extension Agent Crop Assistant; Mechanical Engineering Lab Setup; Medical Patient Summary; NewtDraw; Soup Mixer; X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy CreaTEC, Spain 100116.1565@compuserve.com Creative Digital Publishing Inc. www.cdpubs.com/ ViewFrame csMis info-cemis@cemis.com.au www.cemis.com.au/ Dan Parvaz dparvaz@deafnet.com 801-221-8801 Danish Newton User Group info@dnug.dk www.dnug.dk/ +45-40163806 FlatEarth; FormIt; Hebrew Date Convert; KIRK Delta 942, NB; LectraRef; Life; Life, the Universe and Everything; Newt's Cape; Newt's Weather; Newton Versions; Pico Fermi Bagels; Pocket HouseMap; Route Book; SimpleMail; SpellBox; Starship Titanic Guided Tour; The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy; The Restaurant at the End of the Universe; TimeCards; TimeTrax; TimeTrax; VoiceNotes Data Technology www.datatechnology.com Cooperative DATAreform Software www.datareform.com/ David Fedor fedor@pobox.com www.rahul.net/fedor/ Paperback (Mac, Win) David Rouse cn1407@coastalnet.com DiceMan Deep Focus Designs newton@deepfocus.com www.deepfocus.com/ DMPSystems@compuserve.com Alert Maker; CopyCat; Earth; GCStatOneTap Mute; OneTap New; OneTap Record; OneTap Scroller; OneTap TWT (TheWholeText); Plan 9; Roosta 2.0; Scratch Back; Sound Icon Maker; Sound Icons; Sound Off! 1.3 DeFelsko Corp. techsale@defelsko.com www.defelsko.com/ 1-315-393-4450 PosiTest DejaVu Software, Inc dejavu@martnet.com merv.martnet.com/~dejavu/Ink DeepNewtInk; DeepSpaceNewt; Ink Spot 1.12; Newt ÔTris; SameGame Digital Ink, Newton/Mac gkm@mpx.com.au +61-2-7791791 Digital Objectives lt@digobj.com members.aol.com/DIGOBJ/doNewton.html 908-302-9600 Mosby's Emergency Drug Index; pURL; Siren Pro Mobile; Siren Pro Billing plug-in; Siren Pro Air Medical plug-in; Siren Pro Mobile Calculator plug-in; Siren Pro Desktop; Siren Pro Custom report Dinoware dinoware@kagi.com www.stud.ee.ethz.ch/~mstrittm AccountInfo; Crypto; DinoCrypt; HomePageInfo; Insurance Info; Names Cleanup DMP Systems 74736.172@compuserve.com www.netacc.net/~dmpsyst/ ++Volume; App Memory; DSR-1; Modem Modifier; NewtDb; NoSleep; Password Dial; Salad; Sysbeep; Sound To Soup; Time -n- Temp; Ttime Dohram's Digital Designs newton@dohram.com www.dohram.com/ Dreamsoft enquiries@dreamsft.demon.co.uk +44-0-973-173721 Dubl-Click info@dublclick.com www.dublclick.com/welcome.html Calx, formerly "GoFigure"; Jig! Strategy Game 1.5; Letterhead Logo Installer Easter-eggs mail@easter-eggs.com www.easter-eggs.com/ EETransfer ebb - Mobile Data Systems info@ebb-ubb.com www.ebb-ubb.com/ebb/produkte VoiceNotes eClipSys Electronic Clipboard Systems, Inc. MBaileyASB@aol.com Field Assistant Elwin Loomis elwin@dhc.com Bandwidth Calculator; NewtJared Enfour richard@enfour.com www.enfour.com/us/ 391-488-3490/319-488-3490 GoFetch 1.2.8; IrDA 1.1; NLK; Shodo 2.01; UniCalc 3.01; UniMail 1.01 Ergonomic maciag@mail.deltanet.com 714-495-7264 Ericsson Inc. info_prs@ena-east.ericsson.se www.ericsson.com/US/prs/openmic/mf_024.html#top ETE wireless@ete.com www.ete.com/ProductsAndServices12.html MobileTrak Vehicle Tracking System; QuickFlight 2.0; QuickFlight Client; QuickFlight Internet Services; QuickFlight Wireless Server everchanging anderson@everchanging.com www.everchanging.com FilePad 1.6.1; Hippocrates EZShow www.ezshow.com EZ2TV Card; EZ2VGA Card Farallon www.farallon.com/ Farallon Ethernet Driver Fetch Software 508-250-4246 GoFetch FieldWorker Products sandy@fieldworker.com www.fieldworker.com FieldWorker Pro; FieldWorker Data; FieldWorker GPS First VLN FIRSTVLN@aol.com PIMple; Punctpad; StoreyTeller Fistful of Newton Software fistful@macconnect.com www.macconnect.com/~mckinnon/ HTML Palette; Travel Alarm Five Speed Software mason@fivespeed.com www.fivespeed.com ChessPad LT; Wake Up Call Flash Sheridan flash@pobox.com pobox.com/~flash 650-462-9203 Flashpoint, Inc. info@flashpt.com www.flashpt.com/ 800-352-7478 Forms Express LLC rjordan@formsexpress.com www.FormsExpress.com PCO Pro FX; SalesPro FX; ServicePro FX Foundation Systems atow@tow.com www.tow.com 650-857-1185 AlarmClock 2.7; Area Code Change; Backlight Plus 1.7; Corrector+ 2.1; DragNDrop Names; Dvorak; HyperNewt; nBattleship 2.5; newtToDonHTML; NewtonID; ProofRead 1.1; SpellWorks; Stanford Map 1.5; Styles+ 2.4; WriteHere Fractal Medical Solutions Caduceus; CaduceusERG Fritz Wuethrich fwuethrich@edk.unibe.ch EuroDSTPatch Gaia keven_boyett@gaia.com www.teleport.com/~gaia 503-226-8580 Express Builder; Express Templates; Mobile Express; Mobile Express Transaction Server; Personal Media Gerd Staudenmaier gerds@micronet.de www.soaring.de/gps/GPS_Map.html GPS MAP; GPS MAP LITE Gero Vermaas gero@xs4all.nl Sun Up Down Gesture Mosaic 608-838-4194 Gesture Mosaic Glen Alexander glenalec@ozemail.com.au www.ozemail.com.au/~glenalec/ Insults; ProxTime; Russian Roulette; Um-Meter GojiraWare jeshua@GojiraWare.com www.gojiraware.com/ bDrop Grant Killey gkilley@aol.com Green Mountain Software Corporation Info@GreenMtnSW.com 802-865-2728 Greenleaf Medical Systems info@greenleafmed.com www.greenleafmed.com 800-925-0925 EVAL; HT ORCA; PT ORCA; SoloSystem Gryphon Software mpeay@gryphonsw.com www.gryphonsw.com/ Attaxx HealthCare Communications mbe@healthcc.com www.healthcc.com 1-800-888-4344 FilePad; Hippocrates; PowerForms Herb Otto herbo@earthlink.net home.earthlink.net/~herbo/ CallBut; DateSum; EggHunt; Flat Earth Calculator; HexConv; LetWord; MailTime; Newtiles; NoteBut; PowerOff; WordWar; X-Bar HexDump Development www.hexdump.com Backdrop Builder hIghQ david@highq.be +32-16-53-63-23 HOLOSOFT holosoft@aol.com 408-748-9648 HyprMynd Software bsulcer@pobox.com www.hyprmynd.com/ ExtraExtras; HyperNewt Button; Launcher Button; MonthPrint; Names Button; Names Service; NiftyDrop; OwnerInfo Button for TapBar; TaxCalc; TipCalc; URL Helper IA, Inc. knight@sphinx.biosci.wayne.edu 313-995-9338 iambic Software info@iambic.com www.iambic.com/ 408-882-0390 Action Names; PaperPak; SubPatrol; TimeReporter ILANET ir@ilanet.org 408-354-9991 info@hand 415-788-6545 source@hand Info'Products UK simon.cavill@infoproducts.co.uk +44-0-1753-765500 InforMED cjaffe@pobox.com 619-755-6360 Innovative Computer Solutions dan@newts.com www.newts.com/ GestureLaunch/Script; GraffitiPatch; HeapIt; ICS Fixer; Newt21; NewtCase; NewtInfo; PrefsPatch; SleepAid; SoupKitchen; Twerx; What to Do; X-Port INSA Limited info@insaltd.com www.insaltd.com/ Epson Printerdriver; O'Niel Printerdriver; Wireless Inventory Management Instant Information pete@werple.mira.net.au werple.mira.net.au/~syd/softwareoview.html eNotes; MagicApp 1.1; Package Beamer Intuit Pocket Quicken ISIS International, Inc. pharwitz@isis-intl.com www.isis-intl.com/ EasyData; EasyComm IsoQuantic Technologies iqadmin@isoquantic.com www.isoquantic.com +1-602-917-9543 Iverson Software Co. Airpots Ives & Company sendinfo@ivesco.co.uk www.ivesco.co.uk/ TeamAgent J. and Mayra Leko jmleko@earthlink.net Asthma Tracker; Dosage Tracker Jason Rukman Bomber; Fractor Jay Klein Productions support@gradebusters.com www.gradebusters.com/ Making the Grade Jeff Luszcz jluszcz@best.com www.best.com/~jluszcz/software.html Jupiter's Moons Jeremy Wyld jeremy-wyld@postmaster.net www.best.com/~clmelara/jwyld/ Bookmarks; Cliphoard; More Routing; noFX; protoNumberPicker_TDS; protoSlimPicker; Quick Xtras; XtrasLib Jim Bailey jdb@shore.net www1.shore.net/~jdb/welcome.html JDB's Notepad Tools; Life Benchmark; LightSwitch; PowerPrefs; Timestamp Jim Kroger, PhD. kroger@PSYCH.UCLA.EDU Jim Silverstein silver@radiomail.net Joachim Bondo joachim@bondo.dk www.bondo.suite.dk/newton/ ButtonPackage; Deep Green; Patchwork Joey Technologies, Inc. danr@joeytech.com www.joeytech.com Student Assignment Maker John McKeel JohnMcKeel@aol.com Filter Calculator John Morrison morrisoj@dunx1.ocs.drexel.edu www.dusers.drexel.edu/~stjohn Babbage Feat Engine; Coinflip; Lifekeeper; Loved 1; NTK Builder Library; SetAgendaView; Set24; TimePak Jointsolutions info@jointsolutions.com www.jointsolutions.com/healthcare/ 408-471-1500 Custom Development Joseph Chen joseph@nats.informatik.uni-hamburg.de nats-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/~joseph/ B2Uni Translator; Chinese Lunar Calendar; CLex: A Dictionary Engine; Cyrillic Reading Pack; Cyrillic Writing Pack; EBTaipei Font; Joe's Chinese Input Method; NTUKai Font; Uni24Lite Font; UniTaipeiLite Font Patch; UniTaipeiX Font JRAd consulting jrad@jrad.seagull.net jrad.seagull.net Enye; Palmedic JRB Newton Development bordens@nac.net users.nac.net/bordens/jrb/ Battery Metrics; HopperLink K2 Consultants, Inc. k2@skyscape.com www.skyscape.com/k2 603-551-5544 Archimedes; Consult; Griffith`s 5 Minute Clinica; LexiDrugs Kessler-Rollins Inc. krinc@kesslerrollins.com 916-791-5171 Knowledge Revolution info@KRev.com www.krev.com eProbe LandWare info@landware.com www.landware.com 1-800-526-3977 or 201-261-7944 BurroPak; FreeStyle; KwikMenu; LunarLander Pro; merlin/Word Sleuth; NetHopper; NewtPaint; PhotoShow 2.0; proCalc Ex/12c; Quicknames Pro; Sync+; writeStuff; X-port 2.1 Lemisoft 100042.402@CompuServe.com Lewin Edwards larwe@zws.com www.zws.com/newton/ LectraRef Llamagraphics, Inc. support@llamagraphics.com cewhite@llamagraphics.com www.llamagraphics.com/ Life Balance Logic Tools Nick.LogicTools@t-online.de www.logictools.de/ Nick's BattMon; Nick's FontDrive; Nick's Fort Knox; Nick's HexDez; Nick's Int'l Keyboard; Nick's MarkIt; Nick's SoLong; Nick's TestIt; Plan 9 Louis P. Slothouber lpslot@cs.uh.edu Bet Master Ludovic Durand-Texte ldurandt@imaginet.fr www.bee-one.com/ Bee-one; Bee-one Runtime Lunatech Research info@lunatech.com newton.lunatech.com/ Lunamail; LunaSuite Pro Lunatic lunatic@pobox.com www.pobox.com/~lunatic JumpN Macapa Software info@macapa.com www.macapa.com/ List-It 2.7; LocalNewt; Napkin Calc 1.1; Pict2Newt; Resto 2.2; Scribl2Mac Macasoft Corporation angus745@macau.ctm.net MacSOS, Australia ghammond@metz.une.edu.au +61-76-72-8181 MacXperts ronda@macxperts.com www.macxperts.com 804-353-7122x125 Manex vincent.keunen@manex.be +32-41-380-368 Manex MAR Software edmartin@marsoftware.com www.marsoftware.com 501-337-0231 Bills to Payª Pro; Newton Stand; NewtSuitª Neoprene Slip; Quick Envelopesª; The C.E.O. Leather Caseª; The Executiveª Newton Stand Mark A. Peters mapeters@pacbell.net home.pacbell.net/mapeters/ Sports Schedule Pro™ SSP Schedule Maker™ SSP Team Stats Mark Mason mason@seattleu.edu www.seattleu.edu/~mason/ StatsNOW! Mark Zeren zeren@pobox.com www.pobox.com/~zeren/newton/ VF+Gadgets Mark/Space Softworks brian_hall@markspace.com www.markspace.com Communicate; PageNOW!; PageME!; PhoneWatcher Martin Perry Pfeiffer martin5454@aol.com www.teleport.com/%7Ewamozart/ Nu Casual Matthew Vaughn mwvaugh@pop.life.uiuc.edu Announce Medical Computing Allergist Michael Peay mbpeay@ix.netcom.com www.gryphonsw.com/~mpeay/ Minico Font Michael Tibbott Bookcase Michigan State University Mark.Ebell@ht.msu.edu www.familypractice.msu.edu/retriever.htm InfoRetriever 2.0; PocketMD Mitchell System Designs pmitchell@ccinet.ab.ca www.ccinet.ab.ca/pmitchell/ 403-465-3943 DateReminder; OrderTaker; Relations; TrackIt Morgan Creek Medical sales@simplemed.com www.simplemed.com/ E-Z Access; Footprint; MCM HandLink; ProMedex n-Abled Solutions www.n-abled.com Asset Manager Nemesis Productions arn@visi.net users.visi.net/~arn/ CDChanger; Dancing Baby; GameScroller; IfFound; Newton Forever Demo; Writer's Keyboard Netstrategy Software celso@netcom.ca www.netstrat.com EnRoute i-net; EnRoute cc:Mail New World Software info@newworldsoft.com www.newworldsoft.com/ Budget To Go! Newer Technology ramsales@newerram.com www.newerram.com 800-678-3726 Newer Memory NewtBrick pmleenes@knoware.nl www.w4r.com/macbrick Newton Portfolio Manager 1.1 Newton Aviation Software newtonaviator@pobox.com Newton Aviator Newton Central support@theonly.com www.newtoncentral.com/ Newton Underground will@newton-underground.com www.newton-underground.com/ AtomicHeapCarpet; NetTime; N-U Backdrop; Talkin' Agenda Lite; Youth Corruption Stamps Newtopia mjpohl01@homer.louisville.edu www.newtopia.com GeekSafe; March MPadness NewtwarePDQ cmonica@usa.net www.concentric.net/~cmonica/newton/ PowerPDQ; TraderPDQ Nomadic Technologies NomadicT@ix.netcom.com 216-331-5771 Accountable; MeasureMaster; N*Project Now Software info@nowsoft.com Now Synchronize NS BASIC Corporation nsbasic@nsbasic.com www.nsbasic.com 416-264-5777 NewtCard; NS BASIC Olivier Ozoux o_ozoux@beachnet.com InOutBox - GLScript; TextStyles - GLScript; ToggleRotation GLscript PALADIN CONSULTING kfox@ocf.berkeley.edu Palm Computing 1-800-881-7256 Graffiti PALMEDIA LeeMoon@aol.com members.aol.com/LeeMoon/ 1984 Newton Movie; Lost In Space Newton Movie; MARS360; NanoCAD; Nflight; PM Media Transfer (HC); PM Player; PM Player 2000; Simpsons 2000 Newton Movie; Think Different Newton Movie Paragraph ilyap@paragraph.com FreeStyle Paul Rekieta PRekieta@ix.netcom.com Fitnesslog PDA Concepts www.pda-concepts.com 801-965-9141 Hand Stand PDA & Handheld Direct www.pdadirect.com 800-279-4PDA Outlink; PrintLink PDA MEDical PDA Panache www.PDAPanache.com 800-270-7196 Custom styli PDA Solutions, Inc. sales@pdasolutions.com www.pdasolutions.com 888-455-4732 fieldChart Software Suite PelicanWare info@pelicanware www.pelicanware.com 503-221-1148 AvailWorks 2.0; NewtCase 3.1; Notion 1.5; PointPro; PointPro Color Workshop; Quickfigure Pro 3.0 PenMagic Business Forms Pensée info@pensee.com www.pensee.com/pensee/res_newt.html Newton Resources AppleFacts Newton Version; Fodor's Travel Manager; Fortune Guide to American Business; Maltin's Film Guide; Newton Press for Macintosh; Zagat Survey Restaurant/Hotel Guide Pentekk support@pentekk.com www.pentekk.com 770-564-0977 WebXpress PenVision Information Systems, Inc. info@penvision.com www.penvision.com Performance Software Tecnologies sales@gopost.com www.gopost.com 1-800-788-0788 Route Rite Physix bsears@physix.com cjaffe@pobox.com PocketChart Pinehill Software Corp pinehill@aol.com www.pinehill.com 508-548-4470 FormulaGen Planet Computing sales@aplanet.com www.aplanet.com/ Vea Point-of-Care Systems, Inc. rtaylor@point-of-care.com www.point-of-care.com 770-442-1563 Point-of-Care Pointcare info@hcisinc.com www.hcisinc.com PointCare Power Media sales@powermedia.com www.powermedia.com/~pmi 503-684-8232 Alarmed & Dangerous; Aloha; Birds With Lances; BackDrop Plus; Backgammon II; Boxer; Button Bar Plus; Chat Buddy; Chiral; Control Panel; DateMan 3; Drop To Do; Fax Cover Creator; Font Pack; Frogs vs Cars; Ghost Hunter; Grade Book; Light Warriors; Mahjongg Solitaire; Mine Field; Missile ComAnt; More Folders Pro; Morgan Pro; Motile; MPG; Mystery Capers; NewtFTP; Newtris; Order Form; Order Form Pro; Package Pop-Up; Paper Boy; PentaDice; Periodic Table; PocketMoney; Power Utilities For Newton Protektor; PT 100; Rocks In Space; Sea Hunt; Solitaire Games; Speed; SpellMan; StartBar; Stationery Construction Kit; Stationery Pack; Super Charger Pack; Super Names; Super NotePad; TimeMan; Unit Math; Unit Math Lite; Vitamin A; Works; Works Better; Works: Merge; Writer's Block II; xWord PowerBox power10@calva.net +1-47-58-67-47 Bee-One powerPen powerPen@eecs.wsu.edu www.eecs.wsu.edu/~schlimme/newton/ power Notes Primordial info@primordialsoft.com 617-983-1369 Prism Research NewtsPrism@aol.com members.aol.com/NewtsPrism/ MathLib; nsScribe Production Magic info@ProductionMagic.com www.productionmagic.com/ Shot Logger Psychsoft psychsoft@aol.com members.aol.com/Psychsoft/ SOS Qualcom Inc. sgruby@qualcomm.com Eudora Pro Quick Fox Software hreynard@worldgate.com www.worldgate.com/~hreynard DDLog; EtLog R.S. Means Company, Inc moritzm@aol.com www.rsmeans.com/ EstiMATE R-Type Software support@r-type.com www.r-type.com/ Stock Slip; Stock Slip CS Rare White Tiger Creations ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/heringermr/winslurp.htm WinSlurp Ray Rischpater dove@lothlorien.com www.lothlorien.com/pda/ Sunrise Reality Surfer lunatic@pobox.com 415-445-2525 x120 Red Box Software redboxsoftware@kagi.com www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~redboxsw Reinhold Schoeb schoeba@str.daimler-benz.com privat.swol.de/ReinholdSchoeb/ Newtonlink for Linux REMsoft remsoft@one.net 513-398-2990 QuickPrefs; Ragout; Sensei Revelar info@revelar.com www.xmission.com:80/~revelar/ Accordian; EstiMATE; Food Storage Planner (FSP); Notable!; Punch Box; Revelar Connection Utility (RCU); TaxPro'97 Revolutionary Software hayes@eskimo.com www.eskimo.com/~hayes/ Lava; Lextionary RezCo rwp@primenet.com www.primenet.com/~rwp/rezco/ Champions Character Creator; Sidereal RGB Consulting rgbcon@mindspring.com www.mindspring.com/~rgbcon BBCNA Richard C. L. Li clli@ee.cityu.edu.hk www.ee.cityu.edu.hk/~clli/ PkgPopper Rindle & Partner GmbH IsaacN@mail.augustanet.de ++49-821-480-28-0 River Run Software webmaster@riverrun.com www.riverrun.com/ Corporate Connection; Mail on the Run Riverside Consulting Group river@ozonline.com.au +613-9686-6868 Roadrunner Tracks 1-800-882-8382 Recent Visits; The Barrier Rob Focht easyweb.easynet.com/~rfocht/newton/ NetHopper Scheduler; NewtWatch Robert Sexton robert@kudra.com PocketMoney GLScripts Roger Milne rmilne@radical.ca Graph Paper Roger Roger golz@azrael.uni-paderborn.de hrz.uni-paderborn.de/~n96514/ ViewMP RW&A, Inc. 104631.1373@compuserve.com 713-851-4229 Scott A. Jenson scott@jenson.org www.jenson.org/ aMAZEing; PhoneMemo; RollOver; Stacks; TimeStamp; TravelDate Scrawl help@scrawlsoft.com www.scrawlsoft.com Chiral; Mahjongg Solitaire; PT100; YAZI Seemless Software info@writeonwares.com www.writeonwares.com/ LookOut Sentient info@sentient.co.uk +44-1203-690969 Shana Corporation info@shana.com www.shana.com 403-433-3690 Informed SIGMA GmbH 76560.626@compuserve.com Signature Software Ltd. tonyc@internode.net www.internode.net/~tonyc TimeTally SilverWARE scott@silverware.com www.silverware.com 978-521-5262/508-521-5262 AffiliatePlus; FlightRecorder; MoreInfo 5.0; PowerNames 2.1; UnlimitedFolders Simon Bell simple@dial.pipex.com ds.dial.pipex.com/simple SimpleMail 2.31 Sine of the Times, Inc. software@sineware.com www.sineware.com 888-SINEWARE BluePrint English, French, and German; CardMedia; Formula; passKeep; PowerSet; ShowMate; ShowTime; Streak Soap Notes, Inc hamilton@soapnotes.com 800-635-2481 SoftCare softcare@nwlink.com www.teleport.com/~pcurtain/softcare.html BodyLog; Dietlog; ExerLog Software Innovations Technology innovations@pobox.com +60-17-888-9634 Software Unboxed info@broadcastsoft.com www.dublclick.com Art RoundUP V2.80; Calculator Construction Set V2.09.6; Calx V2.00; Click Change; Click Trax; IconMania!; Wet Paint Softwarebuero Mueller muellerho@t-online.de members.aol.com/muellerho Daylight Savings; DTMF Settings; Extras Layout; Icon Editor; Options; Pref Patch; SBM Utilities; Services; Tasks; TelPatch SPORTmate Limited pgnorth@sportmate.com.au www.sportmate.com.au/ ChartMate; PsychMate; TrainerMate Spyglass press@spyglass.com www.spyglass.com/solutions/technologies/ NetHopper 3.2 SRL Data srl@steamradio.com www.steamradio.com/ MasterKey; WordGrid Stand Alone Software standalone@earthlink.net www.standalone.com/newton Alarmed and Dangerous1.22; AppMan 1.11; Arcade Game Pack, Vol. 1 1.0; Backdrop Plus 1.892; Backgammon 2.11b1; Big Notes 2.0; Birds With Lances 1.0; BlackJack 1.0; Boxer 1.0; ButtonBar Plus 2.1; Calendar Folders 1.0; Card Creator 1.0; Clip Art 1.0; Clipper 2.2; Control Panel 1.01; DateMan 3.17; Drop to Do 2.2; Extras Plus 1.0; Fax Cover Creator 1.11; Font Pack 1.2; Font Pack Vol. 2 1.0; FreezeMan 1.01; Freeze Utilities 1.5; Frogs Vs. Cars 1.21; Ghost Hunter 2.1; Graph Paper 2.1; Heap Check 1.0; Keep track of free heap.; Heap Saver 1.07; HWR Works; Jumble 1.02; KeepTime1.0; KeyMan 2.7; Librarian 2.0; Magic Pad 1.0; Mailing Labels 1.1; Menu Editor 2.0; Missile CommAnt 1.0; More Folders 3.2; Names Fixer 1.0; NoteMan 2.01; NotePad Converter 1.3; Note Pop2.0; Order Form 2.02; Order Form Pro 1.0; Package Organizer 1.01; Package Popup 1.4; Paperboy 1.5; PaperLines 1.0; PentaDice 1.0; Periodic Table 2.01; Person <-> Co. 2.01; PersonURL 1.0; Prefs Cleaner 1.0; Protektor 1.11; Rocks in Space 1.0; Route To Works 1.01; Scrapbook 1.01; Scroll Menus 3.3; Solitaire 1.02; Sound Sleep 1.0; Speed 2.4; SpellMan 1.04; StartBar 1.08; Stationery Construction Kit 1.2; Stationery Pack 1.1; SuperCaps 1.32; Super Names 1.2; Super NotePad 1.8; Super Sorter 1.2; TimeMan 1.1; Tipper1.0; Travel Clock 1.0; What Error Pro 2.0; Works Better 1.25; Works: Merge 1.25; Writer's Block 1.0 StarCore 1-800-708-7827 Fodors Travel Manager Starlight Computer Wizardry scw@gamewood.net www3.gamewood.net/scw/ StopWatch Step Two Designs jamesr@magna.com.au +61-2-9319-7901 Steton Technology Group bkerns@steton.com 512-331-5714 Steve Mane twistedpair@globalserve.net Open Extras to... GLScript Steve Sprang sprang+@andrew.cmu.edu www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/sprang/ Lathe Steve Weyer weyer@kagi.com members.bellatlantic.net/~sweyer/newton/ Crypto 1.1; Dont Ask 1.1; Ellie's Count Down; Geometry Construction Set; HnewTML 1.01; HnewTML 2.0; Life 1.5; ListTools 1.1; Newt's Cape; NewtATut 1.6; NewtTurT 1.6; Palmedia Player 1.0; PFB 1.4; PicoFermiBagels 1.4; PkgInfo 1.0f; Post Office 2.0; Route Book 1.0; Sieve 1.0; Sloup; Sproing; TimeToGoReading; Tower of Hanoi puzzle Summit Productions DelayCalc; Director; PrivateAccess; Session Scheduler Sun Sabre Software sunsabre@one.net members.aol.com/sunsabre Scorepad 3.1; Custom development Sunburst Communications service@nysunburst.com www.nysunburst.com 800-321-7511 Author's Toolkit; Grade Point; Learner Profile; Type To Learn Symantec Corp. www.symantec.com/ ACT System Support Products, Inc sspi@ix.netcom.com pw2.netcom.com/~sspi/ Stock Calculator Tactile Systems, Inc. info@tactile.com www.tactile.com/ Animal Sounds; BatteryBuddy; BugTrap 1.6; BuiltIn Sounds; ChatBuddy 1.60; Chat Sounds; Columns 1.1; DiabetiCare 2.0b7; Hal Soundse; GlobalData; Mac Sounds; Medical Extensions; Medication Installer; Message Buddy; MineField II; Motile 2.01; newtFTP 2.0; NoteGuard; OneClick Palette; Package Beeper; Package Buddy; Pathway Manager; Prescriptions; Princess Bride Sounds; Ren & Stimpy Sounds; Robocop Sounds; Scramble; Sea Hunt; Solito; Solito Deluxe 2.5; StarWars Sounds; Super Newtris; Transcriptionist; TSExchange; WarGames Sounds; World Conquest; World Sounds; xWord Buddy 2.1; xWord Search Tall Hill Software dsouthwick@cuhsd.org home.earthlink.net/~kakes/tallhill Stamps; Temperature Buttons TapTech SCronin@ix.netcom.com 512-328-0029 Technografix Solutions Technografix@dial.pipex.com SeaMaster Nautical Technological Business Solutions Steve@TBSSystems.co.uk dspace.dial.pipex.com/tbsnewt Audit Master TeleType gps@teletype.com www.teletype.com/gps/ 1-800-717-4478 Digital Gourmet; Teletype GPS Tempest Productions webmaster@tempestprod.com www.tempestprod.com/couchFire.html Couch Fire Textware Solutions info@twsolutions.com www.twsolutions.com 781-272-3200 Fitaly keyboard Thorsten Lange thorsten_lange@kagi.com ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Thorsten_Lange/ AddressAccess 2.0; Backyard; FreeBack; i++; WittyKeys; Wunschzettel Tim Constantine timconstan@earthlink.net home.earthlink.net/~TimConstan/ Tim van Halteren T.van.Halteren@inter.nl.net www.inter.nl.net/users/tvanhalteren/ AutoRotate Tima Scientific info@timasci.com www.timasci.com Digital Bander; Eco-ID; EnviroScribe; EthoScribe Toad Hollow Software Co. toadhollow@pobox.com www.pobox.com/~toadhollow Elements of Style; Guide to Boston's Freedom Trail Holidays; Jewish Holidays; TMap (Boston subway guide) Tomoyoshi Murai tmurai@mars.dtinet.or.jp www.orient.co.jp/~tmurai/ DropPicture; DropPicture Pro; Go-Go! Newton Tony Reynolds tonyr@eskimo.com www.eskimo.com/~tonyr Racedate Trans Lunar Designs Inc. cimino@voicenet.com www.voicenet.com/~cimino ModemBridge Travel Concept Solutions info@travel-cs.com www.travel-cs.com/ PowerTrans; PowerTrans Keyboards Tropical Software sam.tawfik@worldnet.att.net home.att.net/~sam.tawfik/ 1998 Major League Schedule; Newton Score Card True North info@northisup.com www.northisup.com/html/products.html Double Cross; GeoAssist 3.0; Gulliver 3.0; Netcom POPs; Out of Pocket 2.0; Paperback; PathFinder; Sprint POPs; TimeLiner Tully Innovative Dental Technologies,Inc Tfdresch@aol.com www.dreamscape.com/tidt ToothChart Turvey Tunes Software briant@inxpress.net torcom.com/tunes/ A-Zoo Evasion; Ear Trainer; Guitar Tutor Type Solutions, Inc. info@typesolutions.com www.typesolutions.com/ Newton ChessPro Ventura Educational Systems venturaES@aol.com www.venturaes.com 800-336-1022 Anatomy of a Fish; Anatomy of a Shark; Marine Invertebrates; Protozoa; Senses; The Earthworm; The Life Cycle of a Sea Lamprey; VisiFrog Visible Interactive; Lang Downing Access Communications astendel@accesspr.com www.newton.apple.com/press_releases/19970731smithsonian.html 415-904-7070x224/226 interactive audio tour guide VisualNewt Software info@VisualNewt.com www.VisualNewt.com/ Newt'sBattery; Newt'sPaper; Newt's-Weather; Newt'sTime; PassKey; VisualNewt; VoiceAlarm; WebJump Volker Deffner vdeffner@t-online.de TimeCards W. Vance Kenzle wvkenzle@geocities.com www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Horizon/4747/ Math Drill; MoonPhases 98; NSBasicHLM WalletWare, Inc. info@walletware.com www.walletware.com/ Equate; Equate Connect for Mac; ExpensePlus Wayne Lang wlang@rushmore.com PocketGrade Will Nelson nelson@skyport.com www.skyport.com/nelson/newton/ Underground GLScripts #1, 2, 3, and 4 Wright Strategies Info@wrightstrat.com www.wrightstrat.com 1-800-666-1228 Form Logic Yoichi Nakano yoich-na@aix.or.jp pweb.aix.or.jp/~yoich-na/ FishPot Yoshio Hirose hirose1@asia.apple.com www.t3.rim.or.jp/~hirose1/ Parasite Recall; Partial Recall; TFM Yosuke "Basuke" Suzuki NBC02376@niftyserve.or.jp BooksOff ZacWare zacware@earthlink.net home.earthlink.net/~zacware/ FCTransport; Mr. NewtonHead; QuoteMaker Pro; Zachary's Wheel |
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